NDIS participant with hearing aid

NDIS Telehealth

Telehealth – For Rural, Remote or Access Challenged.

Are you having trouble finding experienced NDIS disability clinicians in your area? We support NDIS participants, wherever they live, with the aim of promoting the life they wish to live. We undertake this by providing telehealth services directly to facilities, or to clients in their homes, which allows ongoing allied health input without any physical contact.

Vivir Healthcare brings client-focused and experienced Allied Health Professionals to you via our telehealth service (video conferencing and telephone). Wherever you are, we provide a holistic stress-free service that is free from travel and long wait times.

Our Telehealth Services

This service is available whenever a face-to-face service is not convenient or available, our Telehealth team at Vivir can provide you with disability expertise with a range of therapy and assessments across:

  • Dietetics

  • Speech Pathology

  • Occupational Therapy

  • Physiotherapy

ndis participant using telehealth service
Our Professional Clinical Team

Our team of dedicated Allied Health Professionals are focused on enabling people to achieve their goals and live the life they wish more independently than before. They aim to improve the quality of life and provide avenues for our clients to participate in daily activities. All our professional clinical team members:

female ndis participant in a wheelchair using telehealth service
  • Are trained & experienced

  • Are experts in their given profession

  • Belong to a professional Allied Health body

  • Our allied health services & practitioner are NDIS registered

  • Are committed to using evidence-based practice & updated assessments & tools

As NDIS participants you are no longer limited to access professional services by location, you can now take advantage of a telehealth consultation. If you require support relating to speaking to a dietitian, to be coached through an exercise program by a physiotherapist, or to be assessed for mobility aids or minor home modifications, please reach complete our online referral form.

To enquire about how our telehealth or NDIS services can suit your needs contact us via phone 1300 184 847 or email referrals@vivir.com.au.

Getting Started​

vivr healthcare contact us

Call us on:
1300 184 847

vivir healthcare email us

Email us at:

vivir healthcare referral form

Complete our referral forms:
1. Aged Care Facility Telehealth
2. NDIS Telehealth
3. Community & Home Care Telehealth


Learn More About Our NDIS Services

Our Services